15 January 2019

Regas project “Zero Plastic”

The EU alone produces about 26 million tonnes of plastic waste a year, and up to 500 thousand tonnes of them arrive to the sea (source: Il Post, 10/24/2018). A very alarming situation for our seas and, in general, for our planet.

At Regas we believe that each of us can contribute to limit this phenomenon. For this reason, at the end of 2018 we decided to start a project whose final purpose is the complete removal of plastic from our offices.

The elimination of plastic will be gradual: as a first step we have replaced plastic bottles of water with glass bottles; then we have replaced water plastic cups, coffee cups and plastic coffee stirrers with biodegradable and compostable products; the next step will be ecological stationery. The project was tested at our offices in Bergamo, but it will be soon extended also to the factory in Vicenza, where savings in terms of plastic will be more significant.

From the beginning of the project we have saved:

  • More than 850 bottles of water (since July 2018)
  • More than 900 coffee cups (since November 2018)
  • More than 100 cups (since November 2018)

The equivalent of more than 10 kg of plastic in a few months and in only one seat.

Through the growth of this project, we aim to make 2019 a more sustainable year and to further reduce our impact on the environment.


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